Egyéb Archives - InvestCEE

Humanizing Legal Technology: Lawyers Design School Interview with InvestCEE

In September 2022, Hannele Korhonen from Lawyers Design School invited InvestCEE founder and CEO Orsolya Szabó for a LinkedIn live chat to discuss using design thinking methodologies for implementing legal technology solutions. As an advisory firm on a mission to "humanize legaltech", i.e. to help lawyers optimize their work and showcase their value-add through legal technology, this interview very well describes our approach to tech-assisted legal services. For the original transcript of the video interview, stop by on the Lawyers Design School blog. 

Elektronikus aláírás Magyarországon: piaci elemzés

Adminisztráció. Mindenki szeretné gyorsabban, könnyebben, lehetőleg papír- és érintésmentesen, környezetbarát módon intézni. Az elektronikus aláírás a digitális transzformációs projektek kulcsfontosságú eleme, ami számos gyakorlati kérdést szokott felvetni az elektronikus aláírások egyes fajtáinak joghatásaival, kötelező erejével kapcsolatban egy-egy ország joghatósága alatt. Az InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy és a SimpLEGAL ügyvédi iroda közös piacelemző riportja Magyarországra fókuszál és a hagyományos, tintával papírra írt kézjegy itthon elérhető elektronikus alternatíváit elemzi. Az elemzés kivonata a FintechZone blogon is olvasható.

Getting Started with Contract Lifecycle Management? Pick the Lowest Hanging Fruits!

Managing the contract lifecycle and making the most of contract data is one of the all-time top priorities of corporate legal teams. Improving contract management efficiency is easier with new technologies, yet there's typically a gap between the importance of these challenges and success in solving them. Given there are many contract lifecycle management (CLM) solutions available on the market, it is rather confusing to understand which capabilities really drive the most value. Here's a summary from our partners from explaining how they differentiate their tool on the legaltech market. 

Top LegalTech Contributors in CEE – 2019 Research & Study

In 2019, InvestCEE launched a project to determine and quantify key players enabling innovation of legal services across Central Eastern Europe (CEE). We are quite excited about this first regional study aimed to examine a new market currently carving out an innovative aspect of legal services, often referred to as newlaw. This blogpost is a sneak peek into our research project and the more detailed report to follow.

Adopting Data Analytics in Legal Work

Using analytics in legal work is not an abstract future. Intelligent search platforms are today's reality that help both law firms and legal departments in deploying a data analytics strategy. Why is data mining relevant in legal context? It provides law firms and legal departments better business insights, improved decision-making and a differentiating toolkit for value-added services.
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