GDPR Archives - InvestCEE

Navigating Legal AI: Training, Toolkit & Consulting

To help legal and business leaders explore strategies and best practices with AI solutions, we onboarded new advisors and partners to offer a more holistic Legal AI Advisory service line in addition to our existing LegalTech Marketplace - select software solutions & implementation know-how. Learn about our training course offering and how our experts navigate this complex field.

AI in Legal Services: Handbook

InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy in collaboration with Hungarian digital law firm SimpLEGAL issued a practical guide on legal AI to showcase how smart legal technology opens up new opportunities for digitizing legal services. Law firms and in-house legal departments often still lack clarity as to the use cases and basic terminology used in the legal AI domain.

Transition to Digital Legal Tools & Remote Work

We have also recognized that beyond the immediate human health aspect, there are additional, economic concerns that need to be dealt with in the current circumstances. And lawyers may have a special role to play in this regard. Enabling access to digital legal tools, easing the flow of goods and services, helping to virtually run our economies (locally and regionally) and getting creative about legal services will be essential going forward. To support legal teams through this period, we are here to team up and make use of the know-how we've accumulated in our legal innovation ecosystem. Here's a summary of how we are able to help.
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