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Legal Technology Audit: Digital Maturity Survey & Analysis

When conducting a legal technology audit in a corporate in-house department or law firm (of any size), we assess a legal team's digital maturity and help define an innovation strategy going forward. A LegalTech audit is a preliminary step for thoughtfully implementing emerging technologies into corporate legal operations and law firm practice. Our assessment report along with an overview of new and innovative tools designed for legal work, enables lawyers to streamline their daily tasks, build business flexibility into their practices and provide a more effective and highly responsive legal service.

AI in Legal Services: Handbook

InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy in collaboration with Hungarian digital law firm SimpLEGAL issued a practical guide on legal AI to showcase how smart legal technology opens up new opportunities for digitizing legal services. Law firms and in-house legal departments often still lack clarity as to the use cases and basic terminology used in the legal AI domain.

LegalTech ROI Calculation: expert insights

Investing in legal technology is fundamentally a business decision: will the benefits of the investment outweigh the costs? Return on the investment must justify the effort and expense of upgrading a legal team’s infrastructure and skills. A return-on-investment (ROI) calculation should help the decision making process with realistic numbers and flexible variables to account for different users and use cases. In this article, InvestCEE’s legaltech advisor Chuck Henrich explains what metrics legal teams should take into account in calculating ROI for tech-assisted legal services, and how to do it.

LegalTech Case Study: Digital Contracting

In a recent legaltech implementation project, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy and our LegalTech Marketplace vendor Dealsign brought end-to-end digital contract management to a leading player in the CEE region's online food ordering industry. In a multi-disciplinary teamwork that included our client's operational, legal, HR and IT departments, the project focused on shifting from paper-based traditional contracting (with ink-on-paper signatures) to 100% virtual contract management.

Improving Contracting with Technology: Tips & Tricks

Seamless contracting is a top priority for all organizations, irrespective of company size and industry. Technology is within reach to assist with certain parts of the contract lifecycle or to manage the entire process on a single platform (end-to-end). Yet despite the abundance of tools available, there are many impediments to change for better contracting habits. Here’s an overview of three typical challenges and our best-practice tips for improving contracting with technology.

How is Data Analytics Relevant for Lawyers?

In a digital economy, the value of legal work largely results from core human expertise multiplied by the ability to efficiently “package” legal know-how into technology. Legal analytics tools designed for lawyers allow a shift away from the billable hour and enable workflow data analytics that capture core human expertise.

Experience Interview: Insights on LegalTech Consulting for Law Firms

At the end of 2020,, a Lithuania-based specialized law boutique, and InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy, a legal innovation advisor, have announced their cooperation agreement on consultancy services aimed at law firms and in-house legal departments with a focus on deploying legal technology solutions. Since then, the collaboration has kicked off with full speed, Dr. Paulius Astromskis, Managing Partner at, and Dr. Orsolya Szabó, CEO of InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy, shared their take-aways from the past few months.

From eSigning to Smart Contract Management: 5-Step Plan

Unless carefully planned, all the value added at the contract negotiation and electronic signing stage disappears as soon as the executed contract gets randomly filed. Smart contract management in the post-signature stage is necessary to harness the benefits of contracts in an organization. We’ve condensed our best practice tips in this 5 step plan based on InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy’s experience with digital contracting processes.

Elektronikus aláírás Magyarországon: piaci elemzés

Adminisztráció. Mindenki szeretné gyorsabban, könnyebben, lehetőleg papír- és érintésmentesen, környezetbarát módon intézni. Az elektronikus aláírás a digitális transzformációs projektek kulcsfontosságú eleme, ami számos gyakorlati kérdést szokott felvetni az elektronikus aláírások egyes fajtáinak joghatásaival, kötelező erejével kapcsolatban egy-egy ország joghatósága alatt. Az InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy és a SimpLEGAL ügyvédi iroda közös piacelemző riportja Magyarországra fókuszál és a hagyományos, tintával papírra írt kézjegy itthon elérhető elektronikus alternatíváit elemzi. Az elemzés kivonata a FintechZone blogon is olvasható.

Press Time: InvestCEE Interview in CEE Legal Matters Magazine

In the September 2020 issue of CEE Legal Matters Magazine, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy founder and CEO Orsolya Szabó shared the story behind developing the business model for innovative legal service delivery. Edited by Tereza Green, the article later also appeared on the online blog of CEE Legal Matters. In addition to the key focus areas for InvestCEE's innovative legal service delivery, the article also shares feedback and insights from InvestCEE clients and partners in various CEE jurisdictions: Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

e-Signature in Hungary: a Practical Guide

In November 2020, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy in collaboration with Hungarian digital law firm SimpLEGAL issued a practical guide on e-signing in Hungary. e-Signature is a key aspect of digital transformation projects, yet we found that there is still lack of clarity as to the legally binding effect of e-signing tools in a given jurisdiction. In the report, we analyzed six locally available, electronic alternatives to traditional ink-on-paper signing and also briefly looked at international, borderless platform solutions. This blog post summarizes the key take-aways and provides free access to the full report.

Legal Operations Health Check: EMEA Overview

In September 2020, Xakia Technologies issued the Legal Operations Health Check eBook -- a report summarizing the results of the legal operations benchmarking survey (the 'Health Check') carried out from April 2018 to July 2020. The Health Check was used by 349 legal teams in 37 countries and the eBook aggregates a significant volume of data about the current status of corporate legal departments of all sizes, in various industries, around the world. InvestCEE contributed the EMEA overview to the eBook and this article is an extract thereof, aimed to inspire legal teams to improve their operations with data & analytics.
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