Legal technology insights & events for improving legal operations

Making Legal Innovation Work: Summary from Legal Market Day 2020

On March 6, 2020, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy held a presentation on Making Legal Innovation Work at the Legal Market Day 2020 conference in Warsaw. The presentation focused on key areas where legal teams need to take meaningful risks in order to enable innovation and make the most of legal technology investments.  Insights shared regarding the use of legal data analytics were meant to inspire corporate legal departments and law firms in CEE to improve their decision making and risk management functions.

Legal Market Day: Warsaw 2020

Legal Market Day 2020 is the seventh edition of a CEE wide conference dedicated to lawyers from Central Eastern Europe who wish to create and develop innovative law firms. The purpose of the Legal Market Day is to combine professional experience with development and innovation. InvestCEE will contribute to the 2020 edition of the conference with a presentation on Making Legal Innovation Work.

Legal Data Analytics Webinar: Takeaway Notes & Video

On February 20, 2020, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy hosted a webinar organized by the European Legal Technology Association (ELTA) regarding the use of legal data analytics for improved decision making of corporate legal departments and law firms. The panel of experts included Jodie Baker, founder and CEO of Xakia Technologies and Ádám Szíjártó, legal director of Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC. The discussion focused on identifying and visualizing metrics beyond the billable hour to demonstrate the value of legal work.

The Legal Technologist: featuring legaltech perspective in Hungary & CEE

Press time for the European Legal Technology Association (ELTA) - an organization we are closely affiliated with in Hungary and across the Central Eastern Europe (CEE). In its latest issue released in February 2020, The Legal Technologist featured ELTA Board Members' and Ambassadors' (including InvestCEE founder & CEO Orsolya Szabó) perspective on legaltech with a look back at 2019 and a forecast for 2020 - meaningful insights from the various European jurisdictions. Here's to another exciting year for the European legaltech scene!

Getting Started with Contract Lifecycle Management? Pick the Lowest Hanging Fruits!

Managing the contract lifecycle and making the most of contract data is one of the all-time top priorities of corporate legal teams. Improving contract management efficiency is easier with new technologies, yet there's typically a gap between the importance of these challenges and success in solving them. Given there are many contract lifecycle management (CLM) solutions available on the market, it is rather confusing to understand which capabilities really drive the most value. Here's a summary from our partners from explaining how they differentiate their tool on the legaltech market. 

Investing In Legal Technology: a Guide to Strategic Acquisitions

In a changing legal market -- responding to a data-driven economy -- companies and law firms often play it safe, look for the perfect solution and wait for the right moment to jumpstart innovation of legal workflows. Investing into technology requires some expenses and the return on investment is often difficult to predict. Clearly, legal technology acquisitions need to be carefully and strategically considered. Yet study after study shows: strategic thinkers are found to be among the most highly effective leaders, and those organizations that look to the future and take well-managed risks are the ones that persevere and grow. We help apply this wisdom in legal innovation context.

CEE LegalTech Report 2019

A couple of years ago, legal technology (legaltech) was still an unnoted topic of discussion among most lawyers in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). Even in more mature legal markets, the legaltech sector was just picking up, but often still poorly defined. Today, innovative software tools targeting the legal industry are being developed across Europe and legaltech startup maps are increasingly populated in several local jurisdictions. Our team at InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy decided to look more closely at various legaltech solutions originating from the CEE region specifically and to provide an overview of this nascent market. We are excited to release the final version of the CEE legaltech report today!

5-Step Plan for Contract Data Analytics

Smart data management, contract analytics or AI-assisted contract management are some of the various terms used to describe technology tools that help more efficiently access and assess information embedded in contracts. While traditional document management systems force us to carry out and execute routine operations manually (like searching for specific phrases or sections in contracts, reporting on contract data, etc), smart technology helps to automate most of these manual tasks.

Takeaway Notes from LDS2019: Why Does Legal Design Matter?

In September 2019, the third edition of the Legal Design Summit (#LDS2019) took place in Helsinki, Finland. With its six hundred participants from all around the world, #LDS2019 was the largest legal design event so far -- and the first event of its kind that the InvestCEE professional designer team attended. In this blog post, we share the take-away notes by our designer Forián-Szabó Ferenc.

Top LegalTech Contributors in CEE – 2019 Research & Study

In 2019, InvestCEE launched a project to determine and quantify key players enabling innovation of legal services across Central Eastern Europe (CEE). We are quite excited about this first regional study aimed to examine a new market currently carving out an innovative aspect of legal services, often referred to as newlaw. This blogpost is a sneak peek into our research project and the more detailed report to follow.

Document Automation Webinar: Takeaway Notes

On May 15, 2019, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy hosted a webinar organized by the European Legal Technology Association (ELTA) regarding practical aspects of implementing document automation for law firms and corporate legal departments. The panel of experts included Kaisa Kromhof and Hannele Korhonen from our legaltech partner Contract Mill.

Legal Design & Document Automation Webinar

Legal design is a forward-looking methodology to help redesign professional services provided by lawyers to better fit a digital economy. Document automation is a digital tool highly capable of upgrading legal service delivery. A webinar combining these two is a very valuable learning opportunity for those committed to legal innovation!
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