contract data analytics Archives - InvestCEE

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With this LegalTech blog, we aim to inspire engagement with legal technology tools in a creative and transformative manner. Most of our posts are inspired by project work with our curated toolkit – dive into our strategic insights to increase the value of legal services and optimize business processes in your organization.


Roadmap for Legal Operations – In-House Training Course

The Roadmap for Legal Operations is a training course hosted by InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy and provides in-house lawyers strategic guidance to implementing tech-assisted legal processes. This course is dedicated to corporate legal teams (of all sizes) and highlights best practices particularly in relation to document automation, data management and AI-enabled tools. Register to join the 2-hour online training!

Navigating Legal AI: Training, Toolkit & Consulting

To help legal and business leaders explore strategies and best practices with AI solutions, we onboarded new advisors and partners to offer a more holistic Legal AI Advisory service line in addition to our existing LegalTech Marketplace - select software solutions & implementation know-how. Learn about our training course offering and how our experts navigate this complex field.

Digital Contracting: Improving the Pre-Signing Phase (Strategy Paper, Part I)

Complex workstreams like contract management often require a set of viable strategies to improve internal efficiencies in an organization. Working closely with our clients in this professional context, we found that fine-tuning first the pre-signature and then the post-signature phase of contracting helps better manage the overall process. In June 2022, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy released Part I of our new strategy paper series dedicated to improving the pre-signing phase of contracting - the full PDF copy can be accessed in this article.

AI in Legal Services: Handbook

InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy in collaboration with Hungarian digital law firm SimpLEGAL issued a practical guide on legal AI to showcase how smart legal technology opens up new opportunities for digitizing legal services. Law firms and in-house legal departments often still lack clarity as to the use cases and basic terminology used in the legal AI domain.

How is Data Analytics Relevant for Lawyers?

In a digital economy, the value of legal work largely results from core human expertise multiplied by the ability to efficiently “package” legal know-how into technology. Legal analytics tools designed for lawyers allow a shift away from the billable hour and enable workflow data analytics that capture core human expertise.

Experience Interview: Insights on LegalTech Consulting for Law Firms

At the end of 2020,, a Lithuania-based specialized law boutique, and InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy, a legal innovation advisor, have announced their cooperation agreement on consultancy services aimed at law firms and in-house legal departments with a focus on deploying legal technology solutions. Since then, the collaboration has kicked off with full speed, Dr. Paulius Astromskis, Managing Partner at, and Dr. Orsolya Szabó, CEO of InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy, shared their take-aways from the past few months.

From eSigning to Smart Contract Management: 5-Step Plan

Unless carefully planned, all the value added at the contract negotiation and electronic signing stage disappears as soon as the executed contract gets randomly filed. Smart contract management in the post-signature stage is necessary to harness the benefits of contracts in an organization. We’ve condensed our best practice tips in this 5 step plan based on InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy’s experience with digital contracting processes.

Getting Started with Contract Lifecycle Management? Pick the Lowest Hanging Fruits!

Managing the contract lifecycle and making the most of contract data is one of the all-time top priorities of corporate legal teams. Improving contract management efficiency is easier with new technologies, yet there's typically a gap between the importance of these challenges and success in solving them. Given there are many contract lifecycle management (CLM) solutions available on the market, it is rather confusing to understand which capabilities really drive the most value. Here's a summary from our partners from explaining how they differentiate their tool on the legaltech market. 

5-Step Plan for Contract Data Analytics

Smart data management, contract analytics or AI-assisted contract management are some of the various terms used to describe technology tools that help more efficiently access and assess information embedded in contracts. While traditional document management systems force us to carry out and execute routine operations manually (like searching for specific phrases or sections in contracts, reporting on contract data, etc), smart technology helps to automate most of these manual tasks.
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