legaltech report Archives - InvestCEE

Experience Interview: Insights on LegalTech Consulting for Law Firms

At the end of 2020,, a Lithuania-based specialized law boutique, and InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy, a legal innovation advisor, have announced their cooperation agreement on consultancy services aimed at law firms and in-house legal departments with a focus on deploying legal technology solutions. Since then, the collaboration has kicked off with full speed, Dr. Paulius Astromskis, Managing Partner at, and Dr. Orsolya Szabó, CEO of InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy, shared their take-aways from the past few months.

From eSigning to Smart Contract Management: 5-Step Plan

Unless carefully planned, all the value added at the contract negotiation and electronic signing stage disappears as soon as the executed contract gets randomly filed. Smart contract management in the post-signature stage is necessary to harness the benefits of contracts in an organization. We’ve condensed our best practice tips in this 5 step plan based on InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy’s experience with digital contracting processes.

e-Signature in Hungary: a Practical Guide

In November 2020, InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy in collaboration with Hungarian digital law firm SimpLEGAL issued a practical guide on e-signing in Hungary. e-Signature is a key aspect of digital transformation projects, yet we found that there is still lack of clarity as to the legally binding effect of e-signing tools in a given jurisdiction. In the report, we analyzed six locally available, electronic alternatives to traditional ink-on-paper signing and also briefly looked at international, borderless platform solutions. This blog post summarizes the key take-aways and provides free access to the full report.

Legal Operations Health Check: EMEA Overview

In September 2020, Xakia Technologies issued the Legal Operations Health Check eBook -- a report summarizing the results of the legal operations benchmarking survey (the 'Health Check') carried out from April 2018 to July 2020. The Health Check was used by 349 legal teams in 37 countries and the eBook aggregates a significant volume of data about the current status of corporate legal departments of all sizes, in various industries, around the world. InvestCEE contributed the EMEA overview to the eBook and this article is an extract thereof, aimed to inspire legal teams to improve their operations with data & analytics.

The Legal Technologist: featuring legaltech perspective in Hungary & CEE

Press time for the European Legal Technology Association (ELTA) - an organization we are closely affiliated with in Hungary and across the Central Eastern Europe (CEE). In its latest issue released in February 2020, The Legal Technologist featured ELTA Board Members' and Ambassadors' (including InvestCEE founder & CEO Orsolya Szabó) perspective on legaltech with a look back at 2019 and a forecast for 2020 - meaningful insights from the various European jurisdictions. Here's to another exciting year for the European legaltech scene!

CEE LegalTech Report 2019

A couple of years ago, legal technology (legaltech) was still an unnoted topic of discussion among most lawyers in Central Eastern Europe (CEE). Even in more mature legal markets, the legaltech sector was just picking up, but often still poorly defined. Today, innovative software tools targeting the legal industry are being developed across Europe and legaltech startup maps are increasingly populated in several local jurisdictions. Our team at InvestCEE LegalTech Consultancy decided to look more closely at various legaltech solutions originating from the CEE region specifically and to provide an overview of this nascent market. We are excited to release the final version of the CEE legaltech report today!
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